One step was the first of many that changed the trajectory of my life

Every morning I woke up swearing, “Today will be different. That’s it, I’m done, I don’t want to live this way anymore.” And every night I’d convince myself that it was okay again and tomorrow would be the day.

I hit a point one December night, between Christmas and New Year’s, where I decided I was not willing to sacrifice any more of my life to hopelessness or lose time with the people I loved to a habit that was draining the life out of me. The glass or two of wine had easily become a bottle many nights and I knew something HAD to change. I also knew that I was the only one who had the power to change the course I was on. That night I signed up for a 30-day experiment through This Naked Mind and on that January 1st I had my last drink of alcohol. I thought it would be a 30 day experiment to learn about the science and give my body (yet another) break, but I kept going, and going and never looked back. I did the hard work of learning and also of breaking down and understanding how I was using alcohol and why the progressive use of alcohol wasn’t my fault, but it was my responsibility to do something about it. Alcohol is simply no longer a part of my life. It is the most freeing feeling I have ever had, and I would never go back to where I was again.

That small step changed my life in ways I never could have imagined. It has changed by leaps and bounds because of it. Has there been hard work? Yes. Would I do it all again? Absolutely.

That step led to me becoming a Life Coach and a Sr. Coach with This Naked Mind. I started my own business while still working as an executive in Training & Development and eventually partnered up with a group of four other women to launch a second business with The Zero Proof Life. I’ve had changes in my personal life, my marriage, friendships, interests, my emotional well-being, family life, and my health and they’ve all been by taking one step at a time - sometimes backwards but I always end up moving forward again.

After spending a few years coaching I started seeing a trend with clients that often times unresolved trauma and dysregulation of the nervous system was holding them back, and I could also see the same for myself. I had been very focused on the thought and belief management part of coaching and started implementing somatic (body) work into my own personal healing work and was able to start bringing it into the work with my clients as well. As I continue growing and learning personally, I also am able to continue to grow and bring new tools and resources to my clients. I have found it to be so rewarding for them as it brings such a feeling of empowerment when we realize we have so much capacity for healing within ourselves! We just sometimes need a guide who has been there to help us tap into it, and that’s an incredible gift to me to be able to do with them.

I hope that if you are reading this that you can find the same freedom and movement forward in your own life. The power for change is within you too, and I would be honored to support you in discovering it.

With gratitude,
